Which excites me, because I absolutely ADORE Rachel McAdams... but also worries me a bit, because I think this may be a crying movie. I hate crying in movies, but always get suckered into going to them, and end up bawling my eyes out for 124 minutes of sadness. (Hello, P.S. I Love You!)
But again, I'm going because I love Rachel McAdams, and would go see a movie about a hand puppet and a WalMart bag if she was in it. (That, and I don't want to miss Saturday morning matinee with the girls! Love ya'll!)
Regina - the meanest Mean Girl ever. LOVED this movie. For real.

The blonde period. I personally think she looks almost as good as a blonde as she does with her natural brown hair. That, my friends, is a hard trick to pull off. (Is it just me, or does she look like a prettier Sienna Miller here?)

I can't pull off red lipstick - but she kind of makes me want to try it?

And for the love of Pete - would ya'll just get back together, get married, and have a genetically perfect child (or three)?
I am going tonight and I am SO excited. I LOVE her, my fav actress.
PS. I read the book. It is a cry movie!
I can't wait to see it... if I can get the hubby to take me. He said he would, so we'll see. :)
lo-o-o-o-ve her too! she's my girl crush!
I love her too! Time Travelers Wife is one of my most favorite books EVER! And I think she was perfect for the part.
Not sure when I will see the movie since I am going to the beach...I really want to see but I am also scared it might ruin the book for me. I'm counting on Rachel to pull it off!
I really want to see it! Hopefully I'll make it to the matinee on Sunday :)
I'm in love with Rachel McAdams--girl can do no wrong in my book. She's fabulous. And so gorgeous. And she and Ryan need to get back together already--sheesh--they are freaking perfect....
Have sooo much fun at the movie! I really want to see it, but I think I have to be a good lil wife and take the hubs to see GI Joe (yes, my husband is 12). Maybe next weekend after my race he'll take me to see a girl movie :)
I'm going tomorrow too!! So stinkin' excited!! I heart Rachel!
I. LOVE. RACHEL. - I really like her So much!!! I'm going to see it this weekend!! YAYAYAY
I wish I could see this movie this weekend, but I have to wait :( Oh well! I hope you love it. I love Rachel McAdams too, and I totally agree that her and Ryan need to get back together!
I'm going tonight with my gfs! I'm reading the book right now too and it's so good and can barely put it down. I love Rachel McAdams so much too! I'll see anything she's in and was so sad when her and Ryan broke up. Have a good weekend!
I love her too! And, I wish that her and Ryan would just get married in true Notebook fashion :)
I also agree that she can pull off some red lipstick like no other! Can't wait to hear how the movie was!
I think it's definitely going to be a sad one! I love her blonde hair, and kinda wish she'd go back {probably because I'm blonde, too!}. And you could totally pull of red lips! Anyone can with the right red, for sure!
Hi... I'm new to your blog.
I read the book... if the movie is anything like it there WILL be some tear-jerking moments.
I can't wait to see it either though! Just take tissues!
Me me me! I'm going to go see this movie :D gimme my bunch-a-crunch, a large Diet Coke and a buttered pop-corn and i'll be in pure heaven for atleast an hour and a half.
I'm going to see it tomorrow with my sister, best friend & her sister! She is my favorite actress!! = )
just saw it - cried a few times!
I read the book and if it's like the book there will be tears. I hope to see it soon! I love Rachel McAdams too! She is so pretty!
I want to see it. I heard it was just OK though. Anybody see it yet? Mean Girls is a classic, btw.
I love Rachel McAdams too! Fell in love with her in The Notebook. Wasn't that just awesome too? And yes, she is so beautiful...Did you see the movie? How was it?
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