Tuesday, December 30, 2008

January 6th is a Big Day!!!

Why, you ask, is January 6th such a big day? Well, it just so happens to be the day that I (Newlywed Wife), turn 1/4 of a century! That's right sweet readers, I'll be the ripe old age of 25! Kinda scary huh?

Newlywed Husband sweetly asked what I wanted for my birthday...so with the help of Polyvore, I compiled two lists. A real {read: semi-affordable} wish list, and a fantasy {read: maybe-if-you're-lucky-you'll-get-one-thing-off-this-list-for-our 50th-anniversary} wish list.

What do YOU want for your birthday?


Lindsey said...

You have great taste!

TexanCouture said...

I love your lists, especially the heart of Texas charm!