The only problem?
I'm never going to get anything else done.

I'm ashamed to say that I spent almost 4 hours last night (while waiting for Newlywed Husband to get home from work at 9:45pm) playing this:

...and this.

Hello, my name is Newlywed Wife, and I'm addicted to wii.
P.S. Please pass the tylenol, my forearms feel like they got run over by a bus.
My husband got a Wii for Christmas from my parents, and we played it all during January! But, the new wore off and now we never play it! =(
I played wii boxing for a couple hours once and I swear my arms had never been more sore!
Once i start playing again, I become addicted for weeks, then it somehow stops (maybe the reason of not being able to pick up my own arms because i threw them out of their sockets playing Wii sports). Then i'll go for a couple of weeks, then addiction starts again.
I know! It's so fun, right?? We play as a family with the kids and have a blast.
Here's how you get your leg workout in... bowling!!! Be sure to switch legs though to get your lunges in on both sides. LOL
I've never played video games....ever! Well not until this year and now I'm addicted to Wii and Guitar hero! It's funny hubs calls it our "bonding" time :)
Cute blog btw!
SO jealous!!! I want one too but I know we would get nothing accomplished!
oh, dear...
I have a Wii and love it! We bought it the day it came out!
The Wii tennis always hurts my arms to much the next day...and I feel like a real loser being sore from a video game :)
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