Sunday, May 31, 2009

Stay Tuned...

Sorry for my absence this weekend...but the bathrooms are about 90% finished with the remodel, so we are busy cleaning dust off EVERY surface in our house and moving my stuff back into my closet from the 18 different places it was in the house :)

Before and after pictures coming soon...promise!

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Friday FAIL.

I just went to 7-11 to grab a Diet Coke (sweet nectar of life), and decided on my way to the checkout counter to grab a roll of Mentos (recent obsession).

If you don't know why this is a giant FAIL, watch the following video:

Thankfully, I remembered just in time.

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Cars: A Brief Family History.

I've loved cars ever since I was a little girl...probably why I eventually ended up working in the car business (much to my parent's horror :)

I always named my cars, and considered them part of the family...kind of like a motorized pet or something.

With that, I present a brief family history:

Snowball / Bessie ~ 1999 - 2002

This was such a cool car to have as a teenager - I loved it like a precious little baby... until it died a horrible death by throwing a rod through it's own engine (no one told me I had to get the oil changed on a regular basis???)

Zippy ~ 2002 - 2005

Zippy was sweet little car... but I had a bit more need for speed :) At one point, Jen, Steph, Tshirts & Tiara's and I all had the same car - just in different colors!

Zippy is now living a gentle life of retirement with my Dad, who washes her regularly and never exceeds 40 mph :)

late 2005 - 2006 ~ Brief Interlude in Vehicle Ownership
I sold cars for Infiniti for about a year, and drove a company demo...the red sedan had a permanent rattle, the white sedan that I hated, the silver coupe that was super-dangerous because I exceeded the speed limit on a regular basis... you get the point :)

The Silver Bullet / Speedy ~ 2006 - 2009

Leased when I left Infiniti, this was definitely the nicest car I'd ever owned... and I loved the heck out of it!

However... SB/Speedy is being turned in this morning to make room for the newest member of our family...

Introducing..... the car that doesn't have a name yet :)
Yay, thanks Newlywed Husband, for getting me a car with navigation (for the new j-o-b)!!! And in black - so chic!

I need your help in deciding a name - and keep in mind that all my cars are girls - I've never had a boy car and don't intend to :)

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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Current Time...


T-minus 2 hours and 41 minutes until I get to go home and start putting all of my clothes back into my closet (I just have to find them in the 18 different places they've been languishing during this nightmare bathroom remodeling business).


Update: Just got home and only 1/2 of what was supposed to be done today was actually completed on the BFH {bathrooms from hell}. Forget original plan of working out followed by exciting move back into closets/normalcy. New plan: watch Real Housewives re-runs and drink wine.

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The Completely Out-Of-Place Outfit Post.

Yes, I do realize that it is summer.
Yes, I do realize that 98% of you would never be caught dead in all-over sequins.
Yes, I realize that I have absolutely no upcoming events that merit the purchase of this dress.

But I like it. So there.



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Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Big Surprise Coming...

perhaps an addition to our family???

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Breakfast of Champions.

Could it be worse? Not by much.

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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Newlywed Husband - Notsomuch...

Newlywed Husband seems to be under the impression that this monstrosity will be my next car:

(Note: It is important to understand that he runs a dealership, so this CAN happen. He is, in fact, driving this exact vehicle as a demo at this very moment, only in black, and with some super-classy lights across the top of the roof.)

Someone please pass me the chardonnay. As I sit in my house that has one functioning bathroom, and 2 out-of-commission closets (both of which are mine).

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The Saga Continues.

Ahhh yes. The nightmare continues for an extra 4 days.

I'm going to need a valium, 2 bottles of chardonnay, some back issues of Vogue, and season 5 of Will and Grace to get myself through this week.

Kisses :)

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A Few of My Favorite Things...

The way to this girl's heart?

Through floaty summer dresses, wedge sandals, pretty pink polish, a patent tote, and delicate jewelry...


What's the way to your heart? (fashion-wise, of course :)

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Don't Say I Didn't Warn You...

Remember this post?

Well, I made my decision... and I start a new job on June 15th!

This was a big choice for me, my current boss is fabulous, and is such a joy to work for. But, the owner of our company is not a joy to work for in ANY way, and between his rudeness, and the massive paycuts we've gone through recently, it was time for me to move on.

My new job is basically business development/outside sales, so I will work primarily from home with only 1 day a week in the office. (yay!) Also, the $$ is super-great, and the company is small but has been around for a long time (which I like, large company's don't work for me)...

It was hard telling my boss this morning (I cried just a little), but he understood, and we'll still be friends... he introduced me to my husband, you know :)

Have a fabulous Monday Tuesday!

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Sunday, May 24, 2009


Many thanks to my sweet cousin for sending me this picture...and reminding me that I've had a massive crush on Christian Bale since he was in 'Newsies'. (if you haven't seen it, pullleeeaaassseee rent it:)

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Some Advice.

My aunt (who has been married for 30+ years) told me last week:

"Marriage isn't just saying 'I do' once and then never having to do anything else. You have to wake up every day and decide to love the other person."

Newlywed Husband, I love you today.

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Friday, May 22, 2009

And The Prize Goes To....

ME! For predicting that the remodeling would not, in fact, be finished on schedule. (In case you're just joining us, Newlywed Husband decided that we should get all of our bathrooms remodeled...not my idea).

Ladies and gentlemen, we're currently a week behind (we were supposed to be finished yesterday), and it's looking like we're probably going to finish up in June.

  • The guest bed is too small for two people, so I haven't slept in the same bed as my husband for almost a month.
  • Our entire house is coated in a thin, white film of dust.
  • My clothes are in 18 different places in the house, and doing laundry is pointless, because I have nowhere to put it.
  • Newlywed Husband's sister AND her two kids will be here right after the remodeling is finished, and are staying for TWO WEEKS.

I'm moving back into an apartment, this is crap.

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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Three Pretty Dresses...




Can you guess which dress is my favorite? Which do you like best?

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How to Make a Headache.

3 glasses of chardonnay


1 sweet tea vodka & lemonade


not very much to eat


a raging headache.

{can someone please pass the tylenol?}

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Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Angie and Brad do Cannes.

Seriously, this woman is flawless. And the guy ain't bad either.

{picture from here}

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A Casual Letter.

Dear Mr. Person In Front of Me In Traffic Today,

Repeatedly slamming on your brakes while going uphill is unnecessary. If you simply cease and desist from pressing that pedal on the right (that would be the gas pedal), then gravity will take care of the rest.

Great, super, thanks.

Newlywed Wife.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Michelle O - In or Out?

The lovely Mrs. Obama* in Isaac Mizrahi.

I love the bow, love the color, love the shoes.

It needs to be tailored a bit more, it's kind of sagging around her chest, and the sleeves are all wrong.

Otherwise I'm totally in.

What do you think?

* the 'lovely Mrs. Obama' is in reference to her physical appearance, clothing selection, gracious demeanor, etc. No political opinions on this blog, please.

Besides, I'm from Texas, you already know who I voted for. Duh.

{images from here}

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It's Baaaaaaaaaaack!

June 4. 8:00 PM (central time).
Get ready for awesome.

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Just Because...

I'm dreaming of being on a boat, somewhere in the Bahamas...


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Monday, May 18, 2009

What Are You Cooking This Week?

We haven't eaten at home together in a while, partly due to Newlywed Husband's work schedule, and partly because we just tend to go out to eat on the weekends. As a result, I haven't cooked dinner since last Wednesday night (it may have actually been longer than that...), and I'm dying to get back in my kitchen tonight!

That being said, here's what we're going to have for dinner this week - subject to change, as we typically have one or two nights a week that either Newlywed Husband or myself have a massive craving for Mi Cocina or La Duni and we just go out to dinner instead of cooking :)

Monday - Tacos (for Newlywed Husband), taco salad (for me) with spanish rice and maybe some corn Hamburgers and a side salad...

Tuesday - Chicken Parmesan with a caesar salad

Wednesday - Club salad with chicken tenders, cheese, bacon, tomatoes, corn, and carrots

Thursday - Shrimp & spinach pasta with fettuccine sauce

What are you making for dinner this week?

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Change Is Coming!

Stay tuned dear friends...I am fast approaching one of these...

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Sunday, May 17, 2009

Proof Newlywed Husband is the Bestest!


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Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Welcome to the HotSpot.

So we're halfway through this hellacious remodeling project (Recap: all three of our bathrooms are being redone, Newlywed Husband's idea, not mine). I made the mistake of not wanting anything to do with it in the hopes that he would just wait a little while until I had lived in our house for - oh, like a full year.

Instead, he went ahead with the project, and his contractor (who was also his realtor when he bought the house) obviously has POLAR OPPOSITE taste to mine.

Um, the tile she picked for the guest bedroom looks like something you would see in a truckstop bathroom.

The mirror over the master bathroom sink is about 20 inches wide. My hair is 20 inches wide, this is Texas, ya'll!

And he doesn't understand why I'm so mad that I can't do anything but swill chardonnay directly out of the bottle.

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I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours...

i-pod playlist, that is! {Where is your mind? Shame on you!}

Newlywed Husband just informed me that he is going cycling with a good buddy of his this afternoon for a couple of hours.

I was ecstatic about this for two reasons: (1). Newlywed Husband has been super-busy and super-stressed with his job so the exercise and guy-time will be good for him & (2). I don't have to get on that two-wheeled contraption of death (aka the bike).

In the spirit of being healthy and all, I guess I'll drag my lazy behind out the door for a little exercise too...which requires me to have a fully loaded i-pod playlist, otherwise I'll run walk for about 8 minutes, get bored, and go back to the house to engage myself in more entertaining activities {helloooooo trashy reality TV re-runs!}

Here it is, the current i-pod playlist, aptly named "Workout Mix"...cause I'm just that clever.

  • Poker Face - Lady Pantsless Gaga
  • Candyman - Christina Aguilera
  • Don't Stop the Music - Princess RiRi (thank you Perez, for the nickname:)
  • Run and Tell That - Hairspray soundtrack (what? I like musicals. so sue me.)
  • Womanizer - Everyone's Favorite Trainwreck... I mean Britney Spears!
  • Lookin' for a Good Time - Lady Antebellum (the country band with the uber-hot guy)
  • Last Name - Carrie Underwood - so jealous of her perfect legs. And perfect hair.
  • Low - Flo Rida feat. T. Pain...because I'm ghetto like that.
  • Just Dance - Again, Lady pantsless Gaga
  • Dry Town - Miranda Lambert
  • Shut Up and Drive - Rihanna (note the absence of any Chris beat-her-down Brown songs)
  • Thriller - Michael Jackson. Yes, sometimes I do the dance moves too.
  • Stronger - Kanye i'm a d-bag West
  • Right Round - T-Pain. Shameless rip-off of an old song, but it's catchy.
  • Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffett (initiate cooldown)
  • Everybody Wants to Go to Heaven - Kenney Chesney. I don't care if he's gay. He's still hot.
  • Chicken Fried - Zac Brown Band...fried food? Who cares? I just worked out, playa!
  • Everything - Michael Buble - who I totally have a crush on.

What's on your playlist?

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It's Just One Of Those Days...

humid weather + lots of wind =

a very bad hair day.

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Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Newlywed Quiz...Just Because!

Newlywed Husband and I been a bit at odds lately, so I've been really trying to focus on the good things in our marriage, the funny little experiences we've had, and the cool stories we'll have to tell our children someday {"Remember when Daddy tried to teach Mommy how to ride a dirtbike?"}

Anyway, Future Farm Wife just filled out a little quiz about her and her sweetie, so I thought I'd try it on Newlywed Husband and I...enjoy :)

♥What are your middle names? Oops...can't answer this one :) They start with A (him) and K (me) though...

♥How long have you been together? Pretty much since the day we met - February 8th, 2008.

♥How long did you know each other before you started dating? 4 hours???

♥Who asked who out? He did, via e-mail, 4 hours after we met :)

♥Who said I love you first? He did, on his birthday.

♥How old are each of you? Mid 20's (me) and mid-30's (him)

♥Whose siblings do/did you see the most? Well...since I am an only child the natural answer would have to be his. But, we hang out with my extended family the most by far.

♥Do you have any children together? Not yet!

♥What about pets? Winston, of course! Discussions have been had pertaining to the acquisition of another canine, but that will probably be waaaaaaaay in the future...

♥Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple? Wow, this is a broad question. Probably the fact that he works so much, that we have an hour or two in the evenings together, and just one full day on the weekend.

♥Are you from the same hometown? Nope, not even the same state! I'm a MO girl, and he's a TX boy :)

♥Who is the most sensitive? Definitely me.

♥Where do you eat out most as a couple? Houstons, Mi Cocina, La Duni and ...drumroll please... Chili's!

♥Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple? Jamaica

♥Who does the cooking? Me, if the cooking was left up to Newlywed Husband we'd be living on tuna and VitaminWater.

♥Who is the most social? We're about equal in our extremely outgoing personalities.

♥Who is the neat-freak? Newlywed Husband by a landslide!!!

♥Where was your first date? Lunch at Cantina Laredo (which is a mexican restaurant, in case you didn't pick that up from the name :)

♥Who has the bigger family? This time it's me, by a landslide!

♥Do you get flowers often? No, but we're also both prone to some pretty serious allergies...

♥Who do you spend the holidays with? Both families, pretty equally.

♥Who is more jealous? I'm agreeing with Future Farm Wife's answer here, I think I'm more nosy than jealous...

♥Who’s better with the computer? This would for sure be me, he can't figure out multiple browser windows :) {To his credit, I don't even know how to lift the hood of my car, let alone check the oil - all of us have our gifts}.

♥Who picks where you go to dinner? It's usually a pretty mutual decision, determined by the method of elimination which goes something like this... "Ew, I found a hair in my food there last time"...We have Chili's all the time, if I have to eat another Margarita Chicken platter I'll die"... "The waitress there was a total snot - I'm totally not eating there again". And so on, until we come to the one restaurant that we both don't hate. {please ignore that double negative}

Who eats more sweets? Shockingly, I think it's him. I prefer a second seventh glass of chardonnay over dessert.

♥Who cries more? Of course me.

♥Love you honey♥

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