Monday, December 1, 2008

The Awesome Deal! (a.k.a. Our New Hutch!)

We are frequent shoppers at Pottery Barn. And by frequent, I mean pretty much all our furniture is from there. My husband, (thank goodness) has fabulous taste when it comes to furnishings, and our house has a mixture of pretty antique pieces he picked up at auctions, along with some pieces from Pottery Barn and Crate & Barrel.

We were walking around Pottery Barn a few weeks ago and BAM! There it was. The perfect hutch for our dining room! How much?

Sorry, we were told, but that hutch is completely sold out, and the floor model you are looking at is already bought and paid for. The lady is coming to pick it up in 4 days. Heads down, we returned home to mourn our empty dining room wall.

We (and by we I mean me) searched high and low for the hutch. Ebay, Pottery Barn Outlet stores (there are 13, in case you are wondering), the manufacturer of the hutch (they are in China, good luck finding them). No luck.

Until Saturday. I popped back into Pottery Barn to get some Christmas decorations and...lo and behold the hutch was STILL there! A few questions of the sales guy, and we determined that the lady had never shown to pick up her fabulous piece of furniture - even though she had already paid for it! I convinced them to re-credit her credit card, and sell ME the hutch. (I haven't been in sales for 5 years for nothing, kiddos.)

So, long story short...the fabulous hutch is now in our dining room. And we are very happy.

The Harvest Hutch. Compliments of Pottery Barn.

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