Thursday, March 26, 2009

You Know Why Being a Grown Up Sucks...?

1. You have to pay taxes. We're halfway to 6 figures between property and income taxes this year. No bueno, Mr. IRS-man. No bueno.

2. Arguing with the insurance company about your $1500 emergency room bill is no longer something you listen to your parents do. You do it yourself.

3. Money is not something you spend on whatever you want like clothes and makeup. Oh no, you have to use it to pay for the unending supply of food that your 71 lb dog requires, and the ridiculous amount of dry cleaning you and your husband accrue weekly.

4. You can't just quit your job icing cookies at a bakery and get another job when you decide to take a month off over Christmas. Nope, you have to worry about things like benefits and sick time, and, oh yeah, BILLS!

5. Three words: no. summer. vacation.

6. Every time you eat a little too much Chinese food and swell up like a blowfish from all the rice and sodium, someone asks if you are pregnant. {For the last time: I am not pregnant, and will not be anytime in the near future. Unless it's an accident.}

7. You have to worry about things like mammograms (never fun), scheduling your own dentist appointments (Who wants to do that? I don't even want to go to the appointment, let alone have to schedule it!), and getting morbid things like life insurance (oh, the horror).

8. Six Flags, and the lure of subjecting one's body to being hurtled and jerked around a {possibly} rickety track at breakneck speeds is no longer is appealing. {This would be true, except they just decided to allow them to sell beer. Who's up for a roller-coaster ride?}

9. Just hearing the acronym 'PTO' makes you want to vomit.

10. You realize just how expensive car insurance really is, and strongly re-consider public transit, despite your intense phobia of being in an enclosed space with a lot of strangers who may or may not have bathed recently.

Peter Pan had it right, I think. (Danged flying Disney character.)

What do you hate about being a grown-up?

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The Ratpack said...

Totally agree with you! Especially about #2! When I first got married and moved out from my parents house, the biggest thing was when I got sick. Nobody takes care of you like your mom...and you now have to worry about your own insurance, calling the doctor yourself, and picking up your medicine yourself even when you are all sick and vomity and gross!

Lucky in Love said...

I totally agree with really sucks.

Sometimes when I stand knee pops. What is that about?? I'm 25!

Kenya said...

When you come home you can't just drop off your luandry in the basket and relax before going to eat dinner, you have to actually do the luandry while cooking dinner and knowing that you don't have time to relax because by the time you finish eating dinner and cleaning the dishes, you have to put the clothes in the dryer.

Mrs. Realife said...

This made me LAUGH! You said "Six Flags" -- You must live in FL, GA or TX! (well... at least that's where I know they're at) -- We used to go to 6 Flags in Ft. Lauderdale all the time when I was little...

annieb165 said...

I am so not looking forward to number 5...*cries*

courtney said...

Realizing that when you get home it is almost time to go to bed and do it all over again the next day! I miss the days of getting out of school at 2:15 or college where I only had class for a max 3 hours per day!

Unknown said...

Bills! I totally hate that. I'm also getting tired of being the only one to walk the dog.

In With the Light said...

these are so funny and true! love your blog.

The Shabby Princess said...

So freaking true!! Bills. I hate bills. Mainly, the really expensive hospital ones like you mentioned. Ugh!!

Amanda (Two Boos Who Eat) said...

I hate sooo much about being a grown up. I hate bills, I hate working and I HATTTEEEEE having to wake up in the morning at 5am! UGH!