This is me. I'm handsome, yes? (If you happen to know any single shi tzus, or lonely labradors...I'm available you know...)
Pacing the porch, as I wait for those mischevious squirrels to come out of hiding.
HA! There they are! I see you squirrel, come down here and fight like the rodent you are!
I know you're up there - dangit! If only I had poseable thumbs. And maybe some feet instead of paws. Or just a ladder. Wait a that mom's hand shaking the tree to make it seem like there are squirrels? {Make sure you take the picture from my good side}
Nap time.

Ta ta for now, I've got to rest up so I've got plenty of energy to put on my best "I'm such sad and pathetic doggie so please feed me off your plate" face for dinner.
Ta ta for now, I've got to rest up so I've got plenty of energy to put on my best "I'm such sad and pathetic doggie so please feed me off your plate" face for dinner.
He is TOO CUTE!!!!
Winston is too cute! Is he a lab?
Ha!! My dog chases squirrels too!
awwww he's so cute.... i've got a little weiner dog that could be his friend :)
Look at him! So cute! :)
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