Long (sometimes with bangs, mostly without), curly, and big. I have abused my hair within an inch of its poor little life - hot rollers, hairdryers, and curling irons are the triumvirate of hairstyling in my personal opinion.
Yesterday, Newlywed Husband decided to go in for a haircut, and on some whim I decided to go with him. I am NOT a mall haircut kind of girl, I've gone to the same salon in Preston Hollow for 5 years, but...again...on a whim.
I intended to just get a trim, but the hairdresser (gay and fabulous, btw) told me in no uncertain terms that, "Honey, what did you do to your hair? Are you addicted to heat styling?". He was so sweet and confident that I just said, "Do whatever you have to do to make it healthy - just give me some bangs and don't go shorter than my chin."
My hair is still brown (I will not color it until *gasp* the day I find a gray hair), but it looks a lot more like this now...

I'm still figuring out how to style it, he used a flatiron (which was obviously what they used on Jessica's hair, above), and it looked fabulous last night. When I woke up this morning though, it had this weird pouf at the top and was kind of limp at the bottom...verging dangerously into mullet territory. Lest I be called Ricky-Bobby at the office today (yes, my boss would do that without hesitation), I attempted a flatiron/hairdryer/dry shampoo rescue with some limited success. I think I need a small curling iron, because this is how I'd prefer it to look:

Any suggestions?
EDITED TO ADD - I'm pretty much hating the haircut right now. It's flatter than a penny on the railroad tracks, and has zero body. Flatirons are NOT my friend.
YAY for a new hair change! I bet it looks so cute!
I don't have too many suggestions...butttt- my hair is cut the same way as your Jessica Simpson cut, and I'm loving it! I do find that I have to spend some time decided to try the Jess style, or to flip some out and some under. Decisions, decisions- right?? Anyway, I highly recommend Velcro Rollers (if you don't already use them). I have used the flat iron on my hair 1 too many times, so I try and use it as little as possible. I have determined if I dry my hair with round brushes, and then once my hair is dry- I will put some sections in the velcro rollers and leave it up in those while I do my makeup. Yes, be prepared for many comments from husband and friends. But, when I take them out, I've got the volume, and the non-frizzy ends I desire :)
I don't think I have any good suggestions, but I think it is fun that you did something crazy. I bet it looks great! I also don't plan on coloring my hair until I see a gray, and hopefully that is a ways away!
I need a photo!! you should email me one once you take one! or facebook it!
Oh my gosh! I'm stunned, maybe even flabbergasted! I don't believe I've ever seen your hair shorter than it was! How many years have I known you? too many to count now! I'm sure it looks awesome, but I'm still stunned!
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